Jan 27, 2010


i had a wonderful day yesterday (:
i have a thing for earrings.
i have the tendency of spending when im suppose to be saving.
especially on bargains. yes you know how it feels.
a voice comes out from your deepest guts haunting u to BUY.
buy ira, there wont be anything like this anymore. buy buy buy.
i have to, have to, start writing something for my Tax assignment. sigh
changed my alarm ringtone because the old one makes me want to sleep more.
im jealous of Miranda Kerr.
i want body shop's mascara.
and i love Richard Templer's book, The Rules of Life.

"....Lets take a scenario you go out to buy a new car/house/suit/computer/whatever turns you on. you have the money (no, i have no idea where you get it from, this is just an example) and you buy whatever it is and it makes you feel incredible/happy/excited/fantastic. Now imagine whoever it was who built/made/created whatever it is you bought. When they made it, where did they fit that feeling in? i think you might have brought that feeling with you.

Now imagine you fall in love. It is again, incredible. You feel fantastic, happy, excited. You go meet your new love and when you see them, that feeling spills out in all directions. You feel amazing because you are with them and they are generating that feeling. right? wrong. again, you brought it with you. you may look to them to trigger it but even if they go to the other end of the planet, you'll still have that feeling and they're nowhere near you.

but no amount of falling in love, buying new stuff or getting sacked is going to keep that feeling going for longer than it takes for us to get over it. People get addicted to buying new stuff or falling in love or whatever because they just love that feeling without realizing that they already have it. They have to keep having their 'fix' because they think it's the only way to get that feeling going. The secret is knowing how to trigger it without anyone else or anything else being involved. No, i dont know. Yo have to find that one for yourself. clue : its the one place you'd never think of looking, yep. right inside you"

reading this, what if you are miserable, poor, with no money and no family. how do you look inside you for happiness? i can only say that God is also a source that brings immense joy even just by praying because deep down you know that God listens, better than anything else in the universe.

know where your true happiness comes from.