Apr 14, 2010


its May already, and i am still alive. Alhamdulillah. Life has been so nice these past few weeks, i dont even know how or where to begin with, well it began at the tennis court really and the wonders of blackberry lead me to a really nice feeling/person. tee hee.

Someone asked me, what do girls want? Even if they (guys) have poured their hearts, love, dedication, trust, and loads more towards the relationship, why do they ended up being the ones hurt/heart broken? when that is clearly the opposite of what they really deserve in return which is, loyalty for once. I've been shocked by a news from a very close person that he is willing to let go after he was faced with ..... by his long time girlfriend, something that he doesnt expect to get after what he had done for her. The same thing, happened to a friend of mine - in which believe me is a very nice person who would do just about anything he could to make her happy - by his will. and then, she cheats. life sometimes can be unfair, no?

in my opinion, i think everyone makes mistakes and the only thing that we have to understand before doing anything is that, in every decision theres options and consequences. If u chose to cheat, lie, run away, u have to bear with what is going to happen next and do not expect that u could get away with it, because u wont as the saying goes, the truth prevails. So, good guys are a keeper, they are nice, sweet, adorable, sarcastic, a million times better than a player but still, some girls can be so ungrateful with what they have that they overlook all of those kindness, and take the option to test the waters with other guys because they know good guys would always catch them when they fall. Im not saying that its this simple, because i've never experienced it, but why waste a diamond for a pearl that u can just picked from the sea? haha

there's no difinite answer as to why this happens, but i think girls often take advantage on good guys because they know they can, and if they did they could get away with it. Which is stupid.

Love, good guys, doesnt come easily these days and once you've found one that is truly a keeper, think wisely on the options u make and the consequences u have to bear later. its like, hmm even when you try to glue back a broken mirror, you nampak jugak the cracks on your reflection.

lets say that i've found one, ill treasure it.
i hope. :)


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