this lame joke made me laugh for a second today, maybe because how lame it would sound if someone actually told me this,
A piece of string walks into a bar...and orders a drink. The bartender says "I can't serve you, you are a piece of string!" So the string goes outside, ties himself in a knot, and rubs his head on the cement. He goes back into the bar and orders a drink. The bartender says "aren't you the same string that was in here a minute ago?" The string says, "no, I'm a frayed knot!" (afraid not)
Only because i'm human, its natural to feel tired/depressed when your day is starting out not so hot and it gets worse because of how it gives an impact on that entire day itself?!!? In which, some things are just out of our control, or is it not? i am one who sleeps like a baby when everyone is still up on facebook/internet/infront of the tv/on the phone in the middle of the night, because normally i'll pass out at 11pm. However yesterday, I was the one in front of the tv until 8.40 in the morning watching football because something is bothering me everytime im about to close my eyes. Gahh. I chickened out and stayed awake the whole entire night.
I woke up (i was awake) the next day (today) in a sour mood, grumbling to my friend about my desire to NOT have this day, and i cant sleep during the day because im not used to it. Then, as i am super bummed, i made him worry that he had done something wrong when i have no intentions on making him feel that way because he is the sweetest. Adding to the plate is the fact that i had just repaired my blackberry and it wasn't cheap, there was a problem with my track ball and it was testing my patience. It kept on going up when i wanted to scroll down, and that is just so annoying....
So, bb-ing or sms-ing was a bit troublesome and i thought by upgrading the OS things would get better, but nah it persists. I was blinded by the persuasion of PopMyBerry on how my BB would be as cool as Bold 2. It did though :)) So, now i have to consider on changing my trackball, and i might not in the meantime due to insufficient funds.
Besides, i spent too much this month. For the fact that sleep is important to me, and my blackberry might be the few things i cannot live without - when both of these things goes wrong, it is not a good start of a day. So my eyes are sore, im broke, and its hard not to bb without cursing at it.
However, im accepting my crappy feeling day (i have yet to endure the stresses of the working world, omg) and i'm going to see a friend who has the ability to randomly make my crappyness disappear for awhile. That is not even a word, i made it up. I'll try to keep my crap to myself. and i love MF so much, because you always make me :) even when im mooody or even when im not, i'll still :D when im witchaaahh. *wink* that includes u adlyn. lol.
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