In love. it's just so simple and convenient. chandeliers = sexy.
best best best
ever feel lifeless, bored out of your head? well, guess what i do. i imagined summer holidays are suppose to be full of fun and thrilling activities with roller coasters, beaches, road trips, movies (couple of times, checked), endless supply of crappy food (checked), lots and lots of laughter until you feel that tingling of guilt for having too much fun. However, mine basically starts, continues and ends in the same room, doing the same lame-o things. wheres the fun in that women?! Nevertheless, my weekends are great! :) Well, as soon as my bff safely lands in Malaysia imma drag that petite ass-less frame of hers all over the places that i've been dying to go to. It doesn't matter if you're bored, fat or tanned - u owe me! Okay, not really places to die for but the places that i've been wanting to go to but haven't found anyone who is available for them yet. Everyone is either too far, or too busy. And im just too God damn free.
Hearsay, isn't it nice to spend some time, out of the norm and go travelling (with irresistable fares and unbelievable shopping! *in denial syok sendiri*) ? That's basically the main point of this post. For now, i've finished 3-4 books, bb-ed almost everyone everyday, met with a bunch of friends who is just so busy with work etc (yes, most of my friends are working ppl), helped in organizing my brother's wedding, experienced some facts of life (that u can't please everyone), finished all my tv shows to its newest release, watched Shrek, A-team & Karate Kid, went to Mid-Valley, KLCC, Ikea, Sunway Pyramid, Pavillion, Curve, & KL-trippin. Well, my holiday isn't that bad after all ey? Its not like euro-trip or anything but it's still lovely. Spent my time with loved ones, got wasted with alc....kidding, entertainment and perkara-perkara tak berfaedah.
Thus, credits to Rockstar for being there albeit most of the time, accompanying this royal whin-er for dinners/movies/malls. muchas gracias. lovolovolovo.
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