Oct 4, 2010

back to schoool

Today would be the first day being back in college (final year) after so long, thus hours from now i'll be attending my first lecture, Financial Management. And the chaos begins. There's only one thing in my mind which is to end this treacherous grueling experience that is causing my brain to over process figures rather than words. If i was presented with an option to read Sophie Kinsella's books by the sea or to count Bill Gate's estimated worth, i'll choose the latter. 

There's so much information that you can get in order to boost sales, minimise losses, estimate profit, debts and detect illegal accounting just by dissecting each one of these figures for decision making purposes - it is indeed a tedious/troublesome task and at times you would feel like killing someone but in the end, it's worth the satisfaction. Therefore in time, my college experience is going to end before i even know it. In other words, one has to remain serious about classes and other activities, but also make the most out of the time left. Going out with friends and having a good time once in awhile is nothing one should be stop doing as long as one is on track with one's academic schedule. 

Note to self : If you've worked hard, and you've budgeted your time well then you'll have less things to be worried about for your final year. Just remember to keep an eye on opportunities and get ready to take on the world. haha. 


p/s: love MF so muchocho <3 thanks for the support and motivation dude! u rock my world big time.

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