Aug 19, 2009


10 awesome things i did today - lol.

#1 Waking up in the morning before the alarm clock and realising i've got some time left to sleep.. & knowing that im alive.

#2 listening to my favourite song over and over again *sara barailles - gravity* sing to it, remember the lyric and repeat it again and again until the beat get etched to the brain

#3 Slow down and deliberately parked the car at a curb at the sight of makcik jual kuih. Thank God im not in Iraq where food is available everywhere - road sides, train stations, etc

#4 Emptying my recycle bin in my computer. The World's Easiest Chore, u just cant help but to smile when all the unnecessary files, corrupted mp3's are all crumpled and trash away.

#5 Shoving handfulls of kerepek pisang into the mouth and spilling it everywhere. Get a move on, the show's getting better and it's time to stuff down big portions of salty sweet goodness in your mouth. perfect snack-of-the-day.

#6 Drinking hot chocolate while it's still hot hot. yes, it was worth it because it was a Geneve hot chocolate. I got to celebrate my day with a celebratory drink. ha!

#7 Paying the toll with the exact amount. You know these things are tedious, your in a hurry, they're in a rush... people's lining up behind you.. you just have to respect time.

#8 Giggling in a very funny way when someone close texts. Its like a brief escape from everything. wee.

#9 Looking at the clock right when the day's almost over. You know when you're so busy into the day with so many things to do - you just forget the clock even exists. It flies away and you dont even bother to check. And then, there it is..gosh its 6.30pm already. i must continue..tik tok

#10 Just smiling thinking of something really random. :D ngeh! you know the feeling, at first you were doing something and really focused then BOOM your mind starts to wander to your wildest imaginations and you're loving every moment of it.


1 comment:

Aishah Adnan said...

i miss you babe. where have u been? btw,like this post.