Dec 17, 2009

during lunch break


I think about u all the time, Lol. But life without u seems....kinda weird? I realised how much close we were before that it made me feel attached to yah! i know, jiwang betul. ignore this.

by the way, I played pool today!! Or isit snooker? Mhahah I dont even know how to differentiate between the two, as u see im not an expert in these ‘cool things’ kids do these days. Im old. But it was sofa king awesome. Loves it. Shimal thought me how to hold the stick for the first time, I was like holding it the wrong way. Jakun gile di situ, kene paksa main punya pasal. Everyone was looking at me one kind, but I just kept my cool and ignore them.

Then his friend was there too and boy was he good! EEhad I think? Or something like that, Im not so sure what’s his name..because the place was noisy and I just angguk2 when we were introduced. I have impaired hearings. So the fact that i was a newbie..i moved the ball a bit, here and there to make it easier for me to hit it and masukkan dalam lubang tu! Or else I think tahun depan pun game tu tak habis. Nampak je senang ok tp cuba korang main. I almost poke someone’s but, with my stick, it was embarrassing. it is damn long. Is it suppose to be that way? for people with giant hands is it?

Well, EEhad is slightly taller than me so he gave me a boost of confidence to keep on practicing until I got it right. Plus, i had my support system, Ram and Put, without them i would have definitely passed the stick to someone else. ceh poyo. It was fun. Maybe I can buy the balls first, then the stick..then the table..and play it at home. Or just play online. someone is addicted. Lol

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